Join Our Volunteer Program to Make a Difference

Volunteering Info:

You are welcome to participate in Msamaria Foundation activities through volunteering and internship.

Below you can find a list of our various positions available for volunteering or internship for students.

Volunteers can come as a group or individual following the same application procedures

Please note that you can always combine different roles with each other and that knowing Kiswahili is not mandatory requirement for working with us.

You can also suggest if your expertise is not included in the list so that we can look for alternative ways to accommodate you.

Available Positions:

  1. Fundraising Events
  2. Office and Website Administration
  3. Counselling For the Palliative Family Members and Relatives Through the Team
  4. Trainings Support for Palliatives Care of Care Givers
  5. Income Generating Activities Capacity Building for Palliatives Family Members
  6.  and Relative
  7. Conduct Education for Young Girls and College Girls on Family Planning
  8. Any Other Activities That Contribute to The Achievement of Our Vision

Volunteer Application Form

Areas to Volunteer

5 + 7 =

Join our cause by Getting Involed Now

Our Palliative care approach intents to improve the quality of life of the patients and the families who face the problems associated with life-limiting illnesses, through the relief of pain suffering and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems.

If this is what you were looking to help then you are in the right destination. We warmly welcome you to get started by doing or supporting with a smile and a big heart

Thank you for your participation

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Help us reach our vision

One of the nursery student funded

We have done our part and are ready to do more, with your support.  Note that If you go with us we can go far to realize our vision which state that:

Every person living in the community receives compassionate care, while coping with pain of illness, facing end of life or experiencing the loss of loved ones.

Join Our Volunteer Program to Make a Difference

You are welcome to participate in Msamaria Foundation activities through volunteering and internship.

Below you can find a list of our various positions available for volunteering or internship for students.

Volunteers can come as a group or individual following the same application procedures

Please note that you can always combine different roles with each other and that knowing Kiswahili is not mandatory requirement for working with us.

You can also suggest if your expertise is not included in the list so that we can look for alternative ways to accommodate you.

Apply now

Support Fundraising Events

We will be happy to get supporters who will help us organize Fundraising event in Tanzania and abroad

Apply now

Gift In Kind Donations

If you have any things related to health or office furniture and equipment and anything more useful for the foundation, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will arrange for the shipment of the donated item.

To donate to our Foundation please go to Cash Donation Form Page

Apply now

Cash Donations

Msamaria Foundation highly appreciate any cash donation to help us carter administration and project obligations as explained in our mission statement.

We accept donations in any style

  1. Repeated donations – Subscription from US$10, US$20, US$30, US$50, US$60, even to more than US$100 in monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually etc
  2. We also accept MEGA CASH DONATIONS. Donors are free to support the entire specific tasks or project on his/her own or as a group.

To donate to the Foundation please use the below bank details or send us message on how do you want to pay.





Beneficiary a/c No:022150000113


Beneficiary Address: ARUSHA All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged.

Apply now


Msamaria Foundation invite individuals and corporate entities to sponsor any of the following:

  1. Sponsor a child
  2. Sponsor our website subscription
  3. Sponsor our Fundraising activities each year
  4. Sponsor publicity events each year
  5. Sponsor our media coverage
  6. Any other areas, propose please

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Let's Join Hands to Make a Difference
  • Is Msamaria Foundation a Partner You Where Looking For?
  • Welcome for diologues and identification of areas for partnership

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